Diva BIS at Danish Club Show II in Vissenbjerg 31 May
BOB N DK CH CR B-H JunCH KbhW-08 NORDICW-08 Spotnik´s Diva Deluxe & BOS DK S CH Oriana´s Traceable Target (Photo: L. Erlandsson)HS N CH Spotnik´s Calling Card overall BIS Danish Club Shows Day I and II
(Photo: L. Erlandsson)The two Top Males at European Winner Show and All Ireland Club Show:.
EUR JunW-09 Solbo´s Kayo BOB 2 (BOS) Green Star. 2 Best Dog at the All Ireland Club Show.
(Ch Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Ch Spotnik´s Calling Card)
EURW-09 CACIB INT NORD FIN PL CR B-H ENG CH WW-06,-08 EURW-07 Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy
BEST IN SHOW All Ireland Club Show under Mrs. Oonagh Gore.
(CH Spotnik´s Viking Victory - Bell-A-Mir´s Catchy Cleopatra)