Zacco´s and Diva´s "tour" in Europe
June 2007 - 2 1/2 years and 9 months old1. Danish Club Show 2nd.day (Brenda and Malcolm Smith)
Zacco BIS and Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose BOS (by Selwyn)
Diva 2nd best junior bitch with CK.
The 1st day Tudor Rose was BIS and Zacco´s brother DK Ch Bell-A-Mir´s Eagle Eye BOS.2. ECDC Show in Zagreb, Croatia (D: Frans de Ridder B: Jelena Kruus).
Zacco CAC BIS, Ch Alphadirato Exact Copy CAC BOS, Spotnik´s Diva Deluxe BIS Junior and Chapman vom Teutoburger Wald BIS Veteran.3. INT European Show-07 Zagreb (D: Mijo Fury B: Manola Poggesi Arnetoli).
Zacco CAC Cacib BOB European Winner-07 and BIG-1, also Best Croatian Breed. Croatian Ch4. Croatian Club Show Zagreb (D: Jelena Kruus B: Frans de Ridder)
(Zacco didn´t take part)
Chapman vom Teutoburger Wald BIS (+ BIS vet) and Spotnik`s Diva Deluxe BOS ( BIS Junior and Croatian Junior Champion)5. INT Show in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina (Seamus Oates)
Zacco CAC Cacib BOB BIG-1 BIS-3
BOS Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose and BOB Junior Spotnik`s Dare Devil. BOS Junior Diva6. INT Show 2 Mostar (Evgeny Kuplyauskas)
Zacco CAC Cacib BOB BIG-1 and Best In Show!! And a BiH Champion.
Finally he was SUPER BIS (won over the winner from day 1).
BOS Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose . She was also a BiH Ch.
Diva BOB Junior and brother Dare Devil BOS Junior (both became BiH Junior Champions)7. NKK INT Trondheim, Norway (Clauido de Giuliani)
Zacco BOB Cacib and BIG-1 and BIS-3
Spotnik`s Calling Card was 2 BTK Cert Res. Cacib and Norwegian Champion.
8. SKK INT Boras, Sweden (Eva Mjelde)
Zacco BOB Cacib and BIG-1
BOS Cert Cacib to N Ch Spotnik´s Calling Card, who also became A Swedish Champion.